- Title:
Development of Scientific basis and guidelines for water resource management in the period of formation of disastrous floods on the rivers. - Scientific area/sub area:
Water resources - Brief project description.
Commonly at solution of problems related to management of water resources one has restrict himselfself to a very limited scope of information on hydrology of the rivers. Therefore simplified formulae for estimation of the peak discharges of water on the rivers were developed in Ukraine on the basis of generalization of the empirical data. As these formulas do not take a comprehensive account of the natural process, the authors recommend a more profound theoretical approach, which is based on the isochrone theory. Use of the proposed technique will make it possible:- to increase reliability of design for hydraulic engineering structures on the rivers;
- to estimate physical limits of maximum runoff on watersheds;
- to take into account the factors of the slope and channel transformation in an explicit form.
- Project topicality.
The urgency of a problem is related to necessity for the development and carrying out measures aimed at prevention of negative consequences of disastrous high waters on the rivers - Project goals and tasks.
The goal of the project is development of mathematical model for standardizing of the calculated characteristics for maximum runoff on the rivers. The basic task – scientific substantiation of basic structure and scientific-methodical approaches to determination and regulation of maximum runoff characteristics. - Project methodology.
The methodology is based on a mathematical model of channel isochrone and use of statistical methods for substantiation of the calculated parameters. - Project time/place.
Research laboratories of OSENU – 18 months, research laboratories of the State University of New York – 6 months. - Prospective project results.
The Scientific - methodical basis for calculation of the maximum runoff characteristics for the floods on the rivers. - Expected project impact.
The new scientific and methodical base will provide improvement to reliability of calculation of the maximum runoff at designing and operation of hydraulic engineering structures on the rivers. - Name and title of the group leader - Prof. E.D. Gopchenko, Doctor of Science (Hydrology), Professor, Head of the Department of Land Hydrology, OSENU
Tel. +38 (0482) 326 746 E-mail: gidro@ogmi.farlep.odessa.ua - Name and title of Leader of mane researchers/team members:
- Prof. A.G. Ivanenko Doctor of Science (Hydrology), Professor, Head of the Department of Hydroecology, OSENU;
- V.A. Ovcharuk, Candidate of Science (PhD) in Hydrology, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the Hydrometeorological Institute of OSENU;
- M.E. Romanchuk, Candidate of Science (PhD) in Hydrology, Associate Professor
- Experience and results of leader and team members of previous work. Candidate (PhD) and Doctoral dissertations (theses) of the project leader and professor Ivanenko on the topic were successfully defended and approved. Other participants in the project defended the Candidate dissertations (PhD theses). Under the scientific guidance of Prof. E.D. Gopchenko 1 Doctoral dissertation (Doctoral Program thesis) and 35 Candidate dissertations (PhD theses) on the topic were defended and approved. The total of more than 350 scientific publications by the participants in the project (monographs, textbooks, articles, papers, conference papers), including more than 20 international publications on the topic, lay open to public.
- Project’s divided budget – circa USD 70,000
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