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Наукові проекти
Air in the Cities of Ukraine
Techniques for long-term prediction of high water in the period of spring flood and estimation of the date for its onset
Modelling of influence of global climate change on productivity of agroecosystems in Ukraine
Development of Scientific basis and guidelines for water resource management in the period of formation of disastrous floods on the rivers
Water resource management under the conditions of anthropogenous effect, including global climate change
The role of Global Climate changes in developing extreme weather events
Modelling of dynamics and making up water quality in coastal sea zones, estuaries and lakes aimed at solving applied environmental problems related to water quality management of off-shore shelf and intracontinental water bodies
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Список відповідальних за міжнародне співробітництво в 2017-2018 навчальному році
Форми звіту про співробітництво з ВНЗ Республіки Болгарія
План заходів з розвитку міжнародного співробітництва
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TEMPUS-IV (2009)
TEMPUS-IV (2010)
TEMPUS-IV (2011)
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Британський та Швейцарський Корпус Експертів
Українсько-Бельгійський Міні-Симпозіум
Первый Украинско-Бельгийский Мини-Симпозиум
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Встреча с американскими кинематографистами
Міжнародний проект HOT BLACK SEA
Комплексное управление «горячими» точками и сохранение экосистемы Черного моря
Первый семинар по Методологии
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Наукові семінари - Університет Далхаузі
Научные семинары - Университет Далхаузи
"Сахаровські читання"
Международная научная конференция “Сахаровские чтения"

a. Title:
Air in the Cities of Ukraine

b. Scientific area/sub area:
Models and computing methods for estimation of transport and diffusion of pollutants under the conditions of complicated configuration (city, vegetation) and their comparison to the similar models created in the USA.

с. Brief project description:
Low quality of the atmospheric air in the cities of Ukraine is one of the most important problems which could be solved not only at the level of national government, but by force of scientific research. In view of crucial in-transition economic changes in Ukraine, neither local, nor the state authorities give due attention to urban ecology.
Deterioration of the environment leads to progressive come-down of environmental comfort in both the capital of Ukraine and the rest of the cities. Deterioration of atmospheric air not only touches upon public health services, but also makes for a sharp decline in the tourist attractiveness of our state.
The basic efforts of the scientists in this country are concentrated mainly on modelling of air pollution conditioned by big factories. However, the present-day reality of the cities calls for other approaches and actions. A modern research into the air stream and pollution transport in complexes of complicated configuration is urgently needed, big cities and vegetative canopies could serve a vivid example. With the help of such research it will be possible to work up models for transport and diffusion of pollutants inside the built-up areas of the cities, and, hence, to correctly define and predict possible dangerous situations of heavy pollution in the city which could originate not only from industrial sources, but in acts of terrorism as well.
A number of Ukrainian groups of researchers would like to join the project to exchange their achievement with the experts from the USA, and to benefit from improvement in urban environment.

d. Project topicality:
Scientific problems to be address in in the course of project implementation have both fundamental and applied aspects - general models of air streams and turbulence within the limits of city areas. The latter involves establishing control over urban pollution, estimation of environmental risks resulting from urban pollution or accidents, mathematical and numerical modelling of specific scenarios for accidents in the big cities, protection of the population against terrorist actions in the urban areas.

e. Project goals and tasks:
The objective of the project is to unite groups of researchers, to advance their contacts and provide mutually beneficial exchange of ideas with the Western partners, to facilitate meeting the quality standards for the atmospheric air and methods of research, and thus to intensify actions aimed at scientific research into urban ecology of the Ukrainian cities.


f. Project methodology:
Firstly, the project aspires to get an unbiased picture of the recent situation in the cities of Ukraine by means of instrumental measurement and control.
Secondly, it is aimed at creation of models for specific city situations or releases and estimation of the related risks to a community.

g. Project time/place: The years of 2008-2012

h. Prospective project results :
Mathematical, including numerical, modelling of specific scenarios for accidents in the big cities, protection of the population against the acts of terrorism in the cities.

i. Expected project impact:
Special emphasis in the course of implementation of the project is put on involvement of students and young researchers in its activities and dissemination of the information and knowledge with the purpose of drawing public and national government attention to finding the most favourable solution to the vital city air problems through due use of the European experience and meeting the world standards.

j. Name and title of leader of the group:
Sergey Nikolaievitch Stepanenko
Dr. of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of the Department of Atmospheric Physics and Climatology.

Odessa State Environmental University (OSENU)
15 Lvivska Street, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine
tel. +38 (0482) 636 209,
fax. +38 (0482) 636 202

k. Experience and results of the leader and team members of the previous work:
Most of the researchers involved in the project have an ample background in the field of Meteorology, Mathematics and Natural Science.

Sergey Nikolaievitch Stepanenko
Dr. of Science (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Rector of Odessa State Environmental University, Head of the Department of Atmospheric Physics and Climatology at OSENU,
Specialization. Physics of the atmosphere. Mathematical and numerical modellling of structure of the boundary layer of the atmosphere.
Domains of scientific research: Theoretical and experimental researches into dispersion and distribution of pollution in the boundary layer of the atmosphere. Monitoring of urban pollution. Estimation of environmental risks conditioned by urban pollution or accidental releases.

The following scientific-research organizations could be involved in the work on the aforesaid project:

  1. Institute of Hydromechanics of Ukrainian National Academy of Science (IHM UNAS)
    Mathematical models of air flows and turbulence within urban environment:
  2. Ukrainian Research Institute of Meteorology (UkrMeteoInst)
    Monitoring of urban pollution in Kyiv.
  3. Kharkov National Automobile & Highway University (KhNAHU)
    Numerical modeling of particular release scenarios in big cities.

Address: 15 Lvivska Str, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine
Phone: +38 048 785 2720; E-Mail:
© Odessa State Environmental University, 2007